Sports news for Pennsylvania
Obama narrows Clinton's lead in Pennsylvania (The Patriot-News)Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:30:59 GMT
Hillary Clinton 's once dominant lead in Pennsylvania has evaporated and the contest for the Democratic presidential race is now a single-digit race, according to a new poll.
Pennsylvania man faces murder trial for 1966 shooting (Reuters via Yahoo! News)Wed, 27 Feb 2008 20:03:21 GMT
A Pennsylvania man who shot and wounded a police officer more than 41 years ago will stand trial for his murder following the officer's death last year, a judge ruled on Wednesday.
Hillary macht Wahlkampf mit Wut im BauchTue, 26 Feb 2008 22:29:00 GMT
Die Welt - Wenig später stellte er eine Frage, die die Runde noch verblüffter zurückließ. „In welchem Monat war noch mal die Urwahl in Pennsylvania?“ Oh, die Urwahl in ...
Festpreisangebote, Branchenlösungen und erweiterte FunktionenWed, 27 Feb 2008 09:49:00 GMT
Presse Box - PARIS Technologies International aus Doylestown, Pennsylvania/USA, präsentiert auf der CeBIT PowerAnalytics, ihre intelligente Lösung für Performance Management und Business ...
Pennsylvania man faces murder trial for 1966 shooting (Reuters via Yahoo! News)Wed, 27 Feb 2008 20:03:21 GMT
A Pennsylvania man who shot and wounded a police officer more than 41 years ago will stand trial for his murder following the officer's death last year, a judge ruled on Wednesday.
Galderma erzielt Übereinkommen zum Kauf von CollaGenex ...Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:15:00 GMT - Galderma Pharma S.A.: Lausanne, Schweiz und Newtown, Pennsylvania (ots/PRNewswire) -- - Produkte und Pipeline sollen Galdermas Position in der Dermatologie ausbauen Galderma Pharma ...
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